there is a store called Rotate This which has a lot of punk too but not that much 7"s, mostly 12"s. anyway, i arrived in toronto at 11:20 in the mourning on saturday. it was sunny all week but of course when i got there it started to rain, hard. so i met my brother at the bus station and we made the long hike. first we stopped at Kops Records and i bought this sweet toronto hardcore zine (which i will review soon). next was Rotate This. there was some good stuff there but i was saving for Hit and Misses. so now the wind is getting really strong and we're soaked with water. we walked forever then finally my brother spotted the store. when you walk up to the store, it's filled with tons of punk photocopied sleeves on the windows. then you walk in and see tons of patches, records and flyers on the wall (lots of old flyers from the 80's.) tons of 7"s and 12"s, both new and old punk, even some crust. i was looking around the store and spotted the Alternative TV 7" on the very stop shelf. i was stoked to listen to it (so i thought). but first, i looked through every 7" and picked out a couple (list below). then my brother stopped the freeze's second LP for only $11 so i got it and another 12". then i got to the checkout and picked up 3 more zines. one for $2.50, one for 50 cents and one for free. i loaded all my purchases into my backpack and we headed back to my brother's place. we picked up a pizza (2) when we got there, both of our legs were killing us. so i sat on the couch and pulled out my records and immediately played the Alternative TV 7", thank god i did. first off, i downloaded that record from 7"punk. it was a great record. so anyway, i played the record and it was not the same tracks as what i downloaded. so i did some research and found out that 7"punk had the wrong cover (and i bought the record based on the cover). now i just feel like throwing up cause i just wasted $15 for a piece of crap 7". so my brother said he'd return it sometime this week. i hope the owner lets him exchange the record for another one. he seemed like a really nice guy, so i think he'll understand. then i opened the freeze 12" and was delighted to see a cardboard print out signed by Clif. then i read some zines and watched Meet the Parents and then headed to bed. the next day we went to get some groceries and then we went back downtown to catch the bus home. i said my goodbyes and was on the way home listening to the only record i had time to download which was the Reactions 7" (on kbd, great record.) so that's my long story. we got a little soaked but all in all i had a great time. below is a list of things i bought on the trip:
the freeze-i hate tourist 7"
the freeze-rabid reaction 12" (signed by clif.)
white load-ep 7"
koro-ep 7"
cheetah chrome motherfucker-ep 7"
the victims-television addict 7"
nardcore-12" comp
pains #5 toronto hardcore
give me back #1
from the start #3
equalizing distort vol. 10 #1
so if you're ever in Toronto, go to Hit and Misses, you won't be disappointed. p.s. thanks Dylan!
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