download of the rebel truth 7" coming soon,
but first just a paragraph that i found on 7"punk about the rebel truth 7" from Erik (bass/vocals). enjoy, i did!
"Heres what Erik had to say to us about the EP and the coloured vs the non coloured versions…
If you bought it directly from us, then it would probably be one of the first ones. I remember coloring in the first 500 or 1,000 stickers by hand because we couldn’t afford two color printing. That got really boring, and we gave up at some point. I don’t particularly remember about the covers being colored in however, though that probably would have been our intention if we could have afforded it. Though, now I’m glad it wasn’t, because we get a disturbing number of add requests from the far right wing, which is why I removed the red, white and black logo from our main photo. I think the stickers were only in the first pressing of 1,000 and cost about $40 to make, which was a lot for us at the time, planning a tour and all, so we didn’t have any more printed. Recording was done at Trullion Studios in Sacramento on 8 track Teac reel-to-reel decks with Shure 57s and 58s. Gear was simple. Stuart had a brand new Ludwig 4 piece drumset, Kevin had a custom Les Paul thing and the new Kramer Eddie Van Halen guitar with the just-out locking tremolo unit into a Fender Princeton Reverb II, and I played an Ibanez P-bass direct into the board, and then overdubbed all the bass parts with one of those 300 watt Acoustic bass heads plugged into an early ’70s SVT cabinet that was lent to me by Mike Palmer from Mumbo Gumbo. We really didn’t know what we were doing, but we just kind of did what felt and sounded right. It’s pretty hard to correctly recall how inexperienced and completely full of crap we were at the time, but I actually like the EP a lot more now because I was going to high school more than full time - music theory being after school, then practicing 5 afternoons a week with RT, washing dishes five nights a week at the Old Spaghetti Factory, recording on weekends and playing gigs - oh and a girlfriend too. At this point all the bad feelings have faded and we get along much better than the first couple of years after calling it quits."
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