well i've just got a few things to say. first is the bands that i've been listening to these last couple weeks. everyone and there grandma knows about Government Warning by now, and man do they rip. fast and catchy hardcore. i want to upload their best 7" as soon as i get it in the mail but for now go to the great CHAINSAW POP for their complete discography. next is Brutal Knights. they play fast but not too fast punk and it's catchy as hell. go to chainsaw pop again for their complete discography (thanks fu-sion). i am uploading the This is Boston comp so check back to get the download if you haven't got it from somewhere else, it's not there yet but come back tomorrow. i bought some records a while ago (including the GW 7") and they got shipped back to the seller, so he's shipping them back out and hopefully i'll get them soon. i did receive something in the mail a couple days ago thou. you all know i bought the Pains #5 zine (because i reviewed it) and i asked if the writer had any back issues. he had #1 and #3 and that's what i got. they are beautiful little half-zines. go here: A BUFFET OF PLAGUES AND PAINS and ask for them (thanks christian). now to talk about GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS. well i got a GW shirt (i'm wearing it right now), 2 Sorry World half-zines (skate/punk zine) and issue #19 of Distort. it came in great time and i will definitely return for more. they have some great records and zines in their webstore, now go get them. now another thanks to stephen of EQUALIZING DISTORT. i asked if he had any back issues of their zine and he said yeah. i really wanted the one with an interview with School Jerks (there going on tour soon) but to my surprise i got a huge package, including the SJ one. he must have sent me about 15 zines. i also got a button. too bad i missed their last broadcast because they had the SLOBS demo on (i've heard some of it, and those songs are great, but i've yet to hear it in it's entirety.) they made the demo tape into a 7" which will be my next purchase, if i can find it. anyway thanks to EXD. let's see what else, i can't think of anything. oh well my next post will be the infamous New York Thrash tape, so look out. i'm sure i've made some mistakes in this post but oh well.
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