here's a fantastic powerpop record that was put out in 1979. after some a few aborted projects from various labels, the band decided to start their own label to put something out. too bad it's the only thing they put out before breaking up a year later. but i mean, that's the fate of so many great acts. the winner here is the extremely catchy a-side, super infectious. the flip is great too and worthy of an upload, but can't compare to the greatness of the first side. mandatory stuff right here.
01. something's wrong with my baby (just a classic.)
02. whatever she wanted (great too.)
the original is up there in price. luckily sing sing put out this much needed re-issue about five years ago, pick it up!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
grudge - when christine comes around 7"
here we have one of the earliest, or even first examples of punk, that i know of. this was put out in 1973 and credited to a band called grudge. though the man behind it is a guy named laurice. he went on to claim small success once he started putting out disco music in the later half of the 70s. but this stuff was before all that. both sides are super catchy pop music with hideous lyrics. both songs sound similar, and have some of the same lyrics, but i've got to give it to the b-side here. it's the real standout.
01.when christine comes around (great song.)
02. i'm gonna smash your face in (so catchy.)
might mouse records put out a much needed re-issue of this, bringing this unknown gem back into circulation. they also put out an lp of the best of laurice. it's pretty good too, though the tracks lead mostly on the rock genre.
02. i'm gonna smash your face in (so catchy.)
might mouse records put out a much needed re-issue of this, bringing this unknown gem back into circulation. they also put out an lp of the best of laurice. it's pretty good too, though the tracks lead mostly on the rock genre.
Monday, June 23, 2014
victims - s/t 7"
not my favourite band named victims, but these guys did put out some great tracks. released back in 1978 on plan 9, which is interesting since it's the only release on that label that isn't a misfits record. this is the second effort by them, and the record is split in two. the x-rated side and the pg-rated side. the x-rated side is indeed pretty crass, and it's not really that interesting musically. the pg side is the killer here. two really great driving tracks that get you going. the production sounds so raw, love it.
01. annette (actually catchy.)
02.i want head (awful and way too long.)
03. behind the times (easily my favourite.)
04. nervous (great too.)
the original release carries an extremely high price tag. 1977 records put out a great re-issue recently, grab it while you can (only 300).
01. annette (actually catchy.)
03. behind the times (easily my favourite.)
04. nervous (great too.)
the original release carries an extremely high price tag. 1977 records put out a great re-issue recently, grab it while you can (only 300).
Sunday, June 22, 2014
the records - s/t 12"
the only reason i bought this was for starry eyes and that track alone. though i did assume there might be at least one other good track. but nope, mostly just boring stuff that leans more towards plain rock. i could have just bought the single version of starry eyes, but this was the same price. plus it was a last additional to a bunch of records i bought online from the same guy. anyway, this one track is worth it. great catchy powerpop track out of 1979.
04. starry eyes (super catchy.)
inexpensive record pressed in high numbers. the gate-fold does look nice.
04. starry eyes (super catchy.)
inexpensive record pressed in high numbers. the gate-fold does look nice.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
ambulance - it's all up to you 7"
02. i remember (fantastic, classic.)
so yeah, sing sing came in and did put out the great re-issue that you see here (but not the unreleased stuff). the original goes for insane amounts of money.
Friday, June 13, 2014
cell 609 - remember 7"
here's one of those mega rare kbd punk 7"s. this one comes from belgium in 1979. just two tracks of driving punk rock. according to the cover art, they won belgium's first punk contest and got to make a record from that. it says their story is to be continued but they never did anything after this. but it's just as well, nothing could live up to the greatness of these two tracks. at the start of the track on the flip-side, i took out the intro with a toilet flushing sound and the singer saying what he says. why? well, it was indeed repulsive.
01. factories (those vocals with that drum beat, crazy.)
02. re-pulsion (that guitar riff.)
you can thank that company out of japan again for at last, making this available at a decent price, instead of the hundreds of dollars the original fetches.
01. factories (those vocals with that drum beat, crazy.)
02. re-pulsion (that guitar riff.)
you can thank that company out of japan again for at last, making this available at a decent price, instead of the hundreds of dollars the original fetches.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
straight eight - shuffle 'n' cut 12"
i'd never heard of these guys, but i was looking through a record store the other day and came across this record. there was a small sticker on it that said 'powerpop' and it was only $4 so i picked it up. released in 1980 in the uk, though i got the canadian press (much better sleeve then the uk original). wasn't really expecting much, but when i put that needle on, i was taken aback. the opening track 'i'm sorry' is killer. however, it's really the only thing on here that verges towards powerpop. i'd really just call the album pop. the rest is mostly boring or alright stuff. though there is one slower straight pop track on the flip side that is pretty catchy, so i thought i'd up that too.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
the bats - popgun 7"
this is prefect powerpop right here. released back in 1980. the only thing i know about these guys is that they were young and from connecticut, and that they released an lp that i've yet to hear. both released on gustav records. chronic disorder, one of my favourite bands, released their first lp on that same label. a-side is a great catchy song and the flip side is fantastic beatles cover. just great all the way through. i remember seeing a connecticut punk documentary and sadly i don't think these guys or chronic disorder were mentioned.
01. popgun (super catchy.)
02. tell me why (my only negative is that they didn't go high at "anything i can do.")
sing sing put out a great as always re-issue of this a while ago.
01. popgun (super catchy.)
02. tell me why (my only negative is that they didn't go high at "anything i can do.")
sing sing put out a great as always re-issue of this a while ago.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
the retreads - would you listen girl 7"
(((re-post from 12/04/13)))
one of the best beatles type 7"s out there. this great single was released in 1981. they came together for their love of the beatles. check out the bored teenagers site for some great band memories and photos, plus an early band rehearsal. when 1977 records put out the re-issue, the band reformed for a few more shows with all the original members. i really wish there was more recordings of this band. for this 7", they put out two original numbers, and a beatles cover. the two originals are fantastic, just flawless. the beatles cover is good, but the song just isn't one of my favourites of the beatles.01. would you listen girl(super catchy.)
03. you said you knew (great song.)
you can get the re-issue put out by 1977 records.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
boyfriends - first single 7"
(((re-post from 11/30/13)))
this one's got one of the catchiest songs i can think of. amazing powerpop released in 1982. boyfriends came from the uk and broke up after the release of their single. a-side is the killer here, just a perfect song. the flip side is slower, but great too. nothing else to say, this is essential.01. boyfriend (insanely catchy.)
02. give a little, take a little (more laidback, but great.)
1977 records put out a re-issue.
Monday, June 2, 2014
arson - white folks 7"
(((re-post from 11/28/13)))
frank over at the great shotgun solution posted up some toronto stuff, inspired me to put up one too. this one's got one of my favourite songs to come out of this city. their one and only release, put out in 1979. they formed back in 1977, and with members of the viletones and the ugly. there was a great zine interview with them last year in equaling x distort. tons of info and lots of photos and flyers. it's a really great read, and if you want, you can actually download the pdf of it on the exd site. on the original press of this 7", the a-side is (livin' with the) white folks. but on this ugly pop re-issue, the sides are flipped. not sure why they did that, but i'm not complaining. unfortunately white folks isn't that good of a track. it's an alright listen, but it's really slow and far too long. the killer here is coho coho. such a fantastic song.01. coho coho (great sound and vocals, and actually really catchy.)
go to ugly-pop for the re-issue of this.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
the skinnies - kill the beat 7"
(((re-post from 11/25/13)))
finally got my hands on this monster 7". released in 1978 on the same label as the great normals and men in black. the label only put out four records with their last being a 7" by buns, which i've never heard, so if you have a copy, i'd love to hear it. well what we have here is a killer punk record. plus the cover is fantastic. great vocals with equally great music. driving rhythm and super catchy a-side. b-side is great too. so many punk records have great flip sides, but the a-side just kills so much that it's hard to live up to. just like here.01. (i'm a dullard) (fantastic sound.)
02. out of order (great stuff.)
last laugh put out the wonderful re-issue.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
rip off records - compilation 12"
(((re-post from 11/23/13)))
time for my first 12" post here, and it's gonna be a little long. hands down, one of my favourites collections of songs ever out on vinyl. this fantastic powerpop comp was released by sing sing in 2010. sold out pretty fast, and you can see why. this comp collects songs from some rip off label 7"s, as well as some unreleased stuff. ireland's rip off records was formed in 1978, and lasted two years. they issued only thirteen 7"s and two comp records, and those records are pretty pricey, if you can even find them at all. the bands on the label were much older then others, and you really can tell in the musicianship, and the fact that most of the songs are about women. sing sing really went for it and got the founder of the label to unleash some unreleased songs, and those songs kill just as much as the others. completely essential powerpop, you need if you don't have.first band up is the zipps, their tune is my second favourite, and a great one to start with. next is lenny and the lawbreakers. two tracks by them, suzy 'd' being the great one. the other one they supply is my least favourite of the record, it's a cover track and it's just not that good. next up are minor classics with two killer unreleased tracks, catchy as hell. next is pretty boy floyd and the gems, with a kind of weird tune, steams like a much different style then the rest, but it's good. next is tinopeners with two unreleased tracks as well, both killers. next is the faders with an unreleased track, good stuff. next is no sweat, which are easily the best band on here. their track is so damn amazing, one of my favourites of all time. next is clive culbertson, who was the lead in no sweat. so you know this track is fantastic too. lastly is cramp, with one of the catchiest songs here, just flawless.
01. the zipps-friends (super catchy.)
02. lenny and the lawbreakers-suzy 'd' (nice.)
03. minor classics-you'll never find love (love the vocals.)
04. pretty boy floyd and the gems-sharon (weird but good.)
05. tinopeners-i want you (so great.)
06. the faders-in it for the kicks (love it.)
07. minor classics-i don't like girls (vocals again.)
08. no sweat-start all over again (just flawless.)
10. clive culbertson-time to kill (classic.)
11. cramp-she doesn't love me (should be a classic.)
12. tinopeners-i don't wanna be (great ender.)
it's actually not that easy to track down these days. it sold-out a long time ago.
Friday, May 30, 2014
the heat - instant love 7"
(((re-post from 11/21/13)))
up here now is some powerpop. great little cheapo record, released in 1978. pretty sure this is their only release. super catchy on both sides. instant love is a really great song, but this time i like the flip better. the saxophone on high school sweater makes it, and the vocals are so catchy. kind of a weird looking cover. the back of the cover is great though, it reminds of last stand's just a number 7".01. instant love (solid song.)
02. high school sweater (super catchy.)
it's available cheap on the net.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
the moderns - ready for the 80's 7"
(((re-post from 11/12/13)))
the moderns play top notch powerpop out of sweden. this was the second of their two 7"s. this one being released in 1980. not as good as the first, simply because this one's only got two great songs, opposed to the other that has four great ones. they also released an lp on a major label, but i've yet to hear it. if it's anything like this, it must be great. i can't decide on which side i like better. might give the edge to the b-side on this one.
01. ready for the 80's (super catchy.)
02. identity (might like this one a bit better.)
that famous label out of japan re-issued this, so get on that.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
quick fox - pretty baby (tonight) 7"
(((re-post from 11/04/13)))
up now is a little bit of unknown. quick fox were from massachusetts and released this little gem in 1982. that's pretty much all that's known about this band. i've never seen this 7" available for listening anywhere on the internet. so here are both sides in their low-fi goodness. the first side being the killer here, great powerpop and super catchy. the other side being a more beatles type song. it's actually pretty catchy and enjoyable. too bad it's acoustic. enjoy!
01. pretty baby (tonight) (tops stuff.)
02. never gonna' love her (if they added drums i feel it would have been way better.)
comes up every now and then for not too much.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
the normals - almost ready 7"
(((re-post from 11/14/13)))
yep, the normals. everyone knows em, and everyone should love em. this monster was released in 1978. so even though it's available everywhere, i'm still posting it cause i finally picked it up a copy for myself. i think i remember reading peter from kbd said it's one of those records that can't be posted enough. the first track is just a classic tune, one of the best of all time. so huge, really catchy, and it just sounds great with the vocal mix. the flip side is good, but nowhere near the other side. it's very good, but does drag on a bit.01. almost ready (massive.)
02. hard core (drags a little bit.)
last laugh records put out the re-issue.
Monday, May 26, 2014
x-wires - all that i've got 7"
(((re-post from 11/08/13)))
here is some more kinda unknown powerpop. it came from new york and released in 1982. i've never seen this for sale anywhere. there is only one sold copy on popsike, and it went $90, way way more then i paid. so i really don't know how rare it is. anyway, the a-side here is a great powerpop track. if you ask me, the b-side is just bad, so no need to include it here.
01. all that i've got (catchy stuff.)
02. fun fun weekend (bland.)
copies of this don't turn up too often.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
the nubs - job 7"
(((re-post from 11/21/2013)))
yep, another well known classic. but hey, i'm just posting everything i like, everything and anything. the nubs' only release came out 1980. both sides are killers here, but the a-side is just a perfect song to me. love it.01. job (i don't know why i love this so much.)
02. little billy's burning (nice.)
the great last laugh records just re-issued this not too long ago.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
the cold - take all the time 7"
(((re-post from 11/17/2013)))
just like the last band i posted, the cold were from new orleans. they released this 7" in 1984 and i think was the last of their releases. i believe they had multiple 7"s and an album on top pop records. i much prefer their first 7" to anything else they did, but unfortunately i don't own it. the a-side is a little jerky powerpop song with catchy vocals. the b-side is a cover of an old 60s song.01. take all the time (feels later than '84.)
02. i go to pieces (it's good, but i do prefer the original.)
doesn't pop up for sale much.
Friday, May 23, 2014
rottweiler - i'm down 7"
(((re-post from 11/10/13)))
just a killer one here. hailing from sweden are rottweiler. powerpop released in 1980. the singer here has just a fantastic voice, it's so addicting. i've heard many are not too keen on the vocals, but come, they're great. the a-side is the tops here. the b-side is pretty good too, but not as catchy.01. i'm down (just flawless.)
02. wanna be your friend (good, not great.)
the fantastic label out of new york, sing sing records, re-issued this, so buy it there.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
culture shock - forever + ever 7"
(((re-post from 06/02/13)))
a canadian classic released in 1983. what a release it is, powerpop extreme. the title track is one of the best songs to come out of this country. super catchy and really packs a punch. the flip side however, isn't as good. it's still pretty good but there is just something missing. but it doesn't matter anyway, the a-side would just demolish any song that would come after it. that label also released a cd with a bunch of extra tracks, which i'd love to hear, but i'm not buying a cd. if they released it as an lp i would have. but anyway there is a sample of one of the songs on their site. the song is it's not true. it's super catchy and i wish it was the b-side to this 7", but oh well.01. forever + ever (a classic.)
02. thought you were a friend (pretty good.)
re-issued on 1977 records, so get it there.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
brülbåjz (llr) - dödens apostlar 7"
(((re-post from 11/03/13)))
yeah, i don't know how to pronounce it, but it's from sweden. i guess in english it's the brylcreem boys legoland rockers. so, released in 1980. just straight forward punk here. it came be pretty sloppy at times, which i love. sort of reminds me of a slower version of absurd. eap was on many comps back in the big kbd comp craze, but to me the real winner here is the first track. fantastic packaging on this release.01. dödens apostla (best one on here.)
02. eap (great too.)
03. underhållningsvåld (brutal.)
re-ken records re-issued this, but they don't have a website that i can find. so here is their discogs where you can buy it.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
red rage - total control 7"
(((re-post from 11/02/13)))
just straight at you punk. released in 1980. the a-side being the winner here. the flip-side is good too, but not as strong. it goes on far too long, three and a half minutes. it's still good, but would have been better around the two minute mark. on the a-side it's almost three minutes, but it works. just a nice little 45 for you to jam to every now and then.01. total control (great stuff.)
02. i give you this (alright.)
get the very limited re-issue at 1977 records while you can. terrible cover stock though, fingerprints remain forever.
Friday, November 22, 2013
grown-ups - e.t. phone home lathe
yeah a lathe. i didn't even remember that i had this until i was looking back at my zines. apparently i stored it with them, well it is the size of a zine so. grown-ups are a calgary band and released this in early 2011 on the now abandoned scotch tapes label. limited to 50 and only 30 available for public purchase, i got the last one. sold out in an hour or something, guess i had good timing. i remember it taking a few months to get the record after purchase. now the owner of the label is gone, one day just vanished. hasn't been around for years now. wonder what he's doing. well he was releasing something by the white wires, which at the time i loved, so i was poking around the site and bought two lathes. the first one i can't remember who it was, but it was really limited too. i listened to it when i got it, i thought it was awful. so i just resold it to some guy who actually liked the band. i kept this one though since i actually did like the title song e.t. phone home, which for some reason is the second song on my lathe cut. the other song is about the band's favourite hangout, and it's not very good. i don't know why anyone makes lathes. anyone i've ever gotten was bent or/and poor sound quality. no exception here. they are kind of cool, i mean i did buy it. but if anyone reading this post wants it, leave a comment and it's yours.
e.t. phone home |
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
the beatles - live at the bbc volume two 7"
here is something rare. it's a promo 7" of the new beatles bbc record. wasn't available for sale anyway. they gave them away at a hmv in london. last week though i was informed that they were giving them away here in a toronto hmv if you bought any beatles merchandise. well when i saw what they were going for on ebay, i immediately ran out and bought some random beatles record and got this for free. these things are going from anywhere from 60 bucks to 500 bucks. plus there was only 300 pressed. everyone is just selling them. not me. i like the beatles and if i sell it now i'll never get this back. i wouldn't pay over 5 bucks for this, especially since all the songs here are included in the actual bbc record. kind of a weird collection of songs, but it's the beatles, so it's great anyway. and that cover's great too.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The Knickerbockers-Lies 7" (1965)
(((re-post from 11/01/12)))
who doesn't love the beatles? The Knickerbockers came into the music scene playing Four Seasons type stuff. those days weren't actually too bad. but when 1965 rolled around, they went full on beatles. they released Lies with the flip-side being The Coming Generation. two super catchy songs. although Lies gets the top spot here. it is so much like the beatles, you can't believe it's not the beatles. you really just need to listen to it. if you haven't already. my copy of this 7" is really thrashed. tons of cracks and pops on the rip. but hey, that's the way i like it. i actually own one of the 12"s and it is super clean. but no, i ripped the thrashed version. everything else the band did really doesn't grab me. there are some good tracks on their 1966 album, but a lot of filler tracks, and it loses a lot of steam near the end. so if you're into the beatles, you'll love this 7". listen now.
my copy of this 7" is really thrashed. tons of cracks and pops on the rip. but hey, that's the way i like it. i actually own one of the 12"s and it is super clean. but no, i ripped the thrashed version. everything else the band did really doesn't grab me. there are some good tracks on their 1966 album, but a lot of filler tracks, and it loses a lot of steam near the end. so if you're into the beatles, you'll love this 7". listen now.
Monday, February 6, 2012
The End Of An Era
well this blog has been dying over and over again. i keep thinking i'll come back. but this time it's really over. i've met some great people and bands. this blog got me through high school. i started it when i started high school and it died when i finished high school. it's like they say, all good things come to an end. i'll probably do something like this in the future, but a different blog, not re-hashing this one. this place is pretty much dead, i don't know what it is but i lost interest in all this and sadly many of my other favourite blogs have done the same. it's truly the end of an era.'s sad but that's my final post. i hope you all enjoyed your time here, cause i sure did. now i'm off to fade into oblivion...never to be seen again...ever.......ever..............
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Fans-Givin' Me That Look 7"

1. Givin' Me That Look 5/5 (fantastic. love it all the way through.)
1. Stay The Night 5/5 (equally great.)
2. He'll Have To Go 3.5/5 (a little less good.)
overall: 8/10 strongly recommended
buy it if you find it, it won't be as easily available forever.
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